понедельник, 19 апреля 2010 г.


Ralph was running through the wild forest straight to the beach. Jack and his hunters were following him trying to reach Ralph and kill him. Ralph ran as he could until he became very tired and fell straight on the sand. But suddenly, when he looked up, where was a man in military clothes. He was very shocked when he saw a little boy who was dirty and tired. A couple seconds later Jack and hunters reached Ralph but suddenly they stopped. With those wild looks they looked at that man and stunned. Ralph started to cry. Boys were still standing and watching. Ralph thought that it was the end of this nightmare. But it wasn't an end...A group of military people flyed away on the helicopter to bring some help. One man stayed with children. When Jack remembered about all these cruel murderes he realized that he gonna pay for it. He took a rock and throwed straight into mans head. It was deadly throw. Man died on the Ralphs eyes. Ralph became very angry. Something wild awaked in him. He took a knife from the pocket of the man and he attacked Jack with it. He was like a beast who wants for a fresh blood. Another boys were standing and watching for this violent battle. Jack pushed Ralph and he fell on the sand but Jack was too blind and he jumped on Ralph while Ralph was holding a knife straight. In that time Ralph made a footboard and Ralph fell straight on that knife. It was the end. Boys were stunned and everybody was scared. Ralph told boys to dig a pit and put the corpse into pit. Ralph said goodbye to all boys and run away deep into forest. Children stayed on the beach waiting for the rescue. They went into sea to wash up their bodies from those wild signs of hunters. Meanwhile Ralph went to the place where was killed Piggy. Ralph sit on his knee and said: " My friend, a reveng was done and now I'm going to sacrafice. We're gonna meet again,"- he took a knife and commited a suicide.

Happy end?)

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